Archive for the ‘portrait’ Category

From the Pews In The Back- Berkeley Head Shot Portrait Photographer

Monday, November 30th, 2009

I don’t generally advertise or post all of my services. Sessions that include boudoir and corporate or individual headshots are generally omitted. The first for obvious reasons, the latter, well, they’re pretty basic and to post them would be to reveal a contact sheet (for those who are old school photo peeps) of sorts. In any case, I was intrigued with this particular client’s book when she told me about it during last weekend’s session. It’s a compilation of essays from a number of women entitled From the Pews In The Back: Young Women and Catholicism. Now I’ve not read the book yet but the content is rich (especially for a Bay Area audience) so much so that I had to let my blog readers know about it. Here is a link and here are a couple of pulls from my digital “contact sheet”. Thanks Jen and I look forward to the good read!

Read about the book at:

Somebody’s Getting Married!- Oakland Wedding Photographer

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Here is a preview of today’s engagement portrait session. We had a lovely morning session in the Berkeley Rose Garden. Brenna and Andrew told me once we wrapped things up that they were heading over to the Grand Lake Theater to buy tickets for the highly anticipated premiere showing of Harry Potter. The Grand Lake being both my husband and my favorite landmarks in Oakland (we always attend their matinees) is a special place. My husband remembers seeing ET and Star Wars there with his father as a child. Well, seeing as Brenna is also an Oakland native, I knew that I had to get some shots of them outside with the marquee and peeling paint the the Grand Lake is locally famous for. I have a feeling that years from now when their grandchildren are looking at that photo, Harry Potter will be as classic to them as Breakfast at Tiffany’s was for me. Enjoy this sneak peek and thank you for a beautiful morning- there’s nothing like love and roses.